Sunday, 24 April 2016

April 24 Santiago ! And the sun is shining

Hello to everyone!  We finally have a public computer and can fill you in on our adventures.
April 12 and 13 we spent in Porto being tourists and enjoying the very warm hospitality of our hosts at The White Box House.  The weather was  extreme...from lightning and hail to sun and wind...but we completely enjoyed our time there with Bruce and <kim.
April 14 started out on the Portugese Camino taking the Metro to the coast and starting to walk north along the boardwalk in cloudy weather.  I loved this day by the ocean with easy walking and good      waymarkings.  The only mishap was that Richard got a soaker froma rogue wave and had had a wet foot.  Arrived in Vila do Condo very tired after 23 km.
April 15 . Our luck changed.  Walked 28 km in torrential rain to Barcelos, much of it on     asphalt...very hard on the feet.  Nobody was in a good mood at the end of the day. Ran the hairdryer nonstop and tried to dry out our boots etc.
April  16  The monsoons continued and we faced flooded fields and rivers on the paths.  Barefoot was an option, but very cold.  It was mostly  head down and keep going....for 33 km.
 By the time we arrived in Ponte de Lima the sun was shining and we had a nice walk into this very picturesque town.  We stayed in a cosy place near the centre of town and after a good dinner and the prospect of improving weather were somewhat optimistic about the future.  Except that my feet were not in good shape.  My substitute boots, and the wet weather had given me lots of blisters on both feet.  ????What to do
April 17.  Faced with flooded paths, I opted to wade and walk in sandals.  But the 18 km was a slog.
The scenery was great....small farms, hills and pleasant company from a group of French women with whom we devised various solution to the flooded walking paths.  Great night´s sleep at St Roque.  But worried abouat the state of my feet.
April 18.  Left Bruce ande Kim who returned to Canada and hobbled on to Tui slowly through mud.
Decided to try and find new boots or sneakers in Tui and fortunately located a pair of mens Adidas trail shoes.....Supernovas in neon yellow....the only pair that fit.  much more comfortable.  So the boots were left in Tui.  Unfortunately, so was our  we continued without.   Will have to replace it in Toronto.  But at least I could walk, more or less pain free and it was a  31 km day               to Redondelo on April 19.  Not the greatest day, walking past an industrtial area for several hours and getting lost in the city.  But the weather was and only a little rain.  Lots of road walking.  The highlight of the day was a washing maching in our room.  It only took us about half an hour to figure out how to use it.  The reward was clean and dry clothes!
April 20 on to Pontevedra...beautiful town, lots of squares and delicious dinner of tapas with the locals.
April 21 Caldas de Reis...old thermal bath town, rather sad, but interesting to imagine how things were in the past.
April 22 Padron, which I liked, and we had a fantastic dinner of lamprey, a local specialty.  The feet continuing to improve slowly, for which I am greatful, because they have taken a beating.
And now we are in Santiago...celebrated Richards 86th birthday with tapas at the Gato Negro, tiny  tapas bar with great atmosphere.  Then tarte de Santiago and brandy at a cafe.
And today is the 24, cold, but clear and sunny.  We will do chores and get our certificate.....and relax before heading to Finisterre.

Missing everyone at home......we are both worn but still standing despite the challenges.
Sending our love to everyone.