Thursday, 1 October 2015

October 1 in Navarrenx - 56 km to go

The Pyrenees are in our sights now.  We are feeling particularly good today, because we walked only 13 km arriving in Navarrenx at noon and treating ourselves to a nice lunch.  The sun is shining, the town is quaint, fortified and very welcoming.  And we have a nice little room in a Relais, complete with kitchen, which we do not need, and a garden which is secluded and great for drying clothes.
The tourist office has not one but two computers. We have climbed a few hills over the past three days, some of them very steep, but we stop every hour for water and a rest.  Compared to the other walkers, we are walking in a very relaxed manner.

Last night, near Sauvelade, we arrived at our gite - the one we reserved sometime last winter (isolated at the top of what seemed like a small mountain) at 4 oclock, to find nobody home, nobody answering the phone number on the door, and contemplating eating peanuts for dinner and walking back to a gite  a couple of kms back.  Fortunately Richard walked to the next property and found someone who found the owner.  There seemed to be considerable confusion, but eventually we were installed in our room.  In the end we had the entire place to ourselves and a nice dinner.  Our only companions were a rescued lama and three small chevreuil (sp? deer).

Now, a little light sightseeing, and a pilgrim welcome at 6pm.  We have three more days to go, not too difficult, very hard and fairly easy.  Thinking about getting one pack transported on the difficult day.

Lots of hills ahead. Both exciting and a little sad to be nearing the end. Hoping for continued good weather.  We have been extremely lucky so far.


  1. These updates are great! I'm so happy you've been having such a great time. We miss you!!

  2. Thanks for the updates. Sounds like the trip is going well, but now that you are pros at it I'm not surprised. Good luck on the remainder of the journey!
