Saturday, 4 March 2017

Camino 2017 Planning - 6 weeks to go


Six weeks from today the three of us - Richard age 86, me age 71 and Sophie my 11 year old granddaughter, will be boarding a plane to fly to Madrid, bus to Leon to begin our Camino.

The plan is to spend the night in Leon, visit the cathedral the next morning, look around Leon,  begin to recover from jet lag, and finally find the bus station and make our way to Astorga, where we spend our second night. We should have plenty of time to see the sights and enjoy the chocolate.  The next day, April 18, we will begin our Camino with a short 7 km walk from Astorga to Castrillo.  

This will be the 5th Camino for Richard and me and the first Camino for Sophie, who has been uniformly motivated to go on this walk since the idea was first floated at the cottage last summer.  And here we are....six weeks out! Down to the final planning and doing lots of walking to get in shape.  We are all VERY excited. And nervous and apprehensive and hoping for not too much rain.....

more to follow 

1 comment:

  1. So much to look forward to!
    You two and Sophie will be building memories that will last her a lifetime. Buen Camino!
