Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Cahors, October 8, I think

Two days ago we arrived in Vers, after a fairly long but not too difficult walk.  Unfortunately, even though there was a computer, internet and telephone were down throughout the entire town.....someone had cut a cable.  But dinner was very good, yet another cassoulet with duck.....a very good one!  No rain, but it was very damp, and nothing dried, so socks pinned to packs again.  And our socks which were brand new at the start now have indicater of the hard walking to which they have been subjected.

Last night we arrived in Cahors.  We had anticipated a walk of 11 km, but it turned out to be closer to 20.  After a couple of descents on loose rock, it was easy, along the river Lot, and very scenic, passing many vegetable gardens (commercial).  One fellow was harvesting radishes, and gave us a couple to taste, both large and different, Asian I think, and a nice addition to lunch, eaten beside a lock.  Cahors is large and noise after the peace of the countryside.  Our camino cpmpanion, Hubert, whom we have seen multiple times, is of course staying in our hotel, across from the Halles.  And today is a huge market day, so we have spent the morning  cruising the produce and flea markets.

Tomorrow we will take a train to Nice, having walked about 400 km.  It would be nice to continue, but maybe next year.  We waved goodbye to Hubert on the old fortified bridge as he continued on to St Jean.  We will spend another night above the bar and contemplate our journey.  At the moment Richard is investigating the wines of endless task it seems.

Au Revoir for now, my 15 minutes are up here in the tourist bureau.  Will update the blog from Nice and Paris.  For noz w all is well.

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