Thursday, 16 October 2014

October 16, Crans, just outside Geneva

On to the next step of our journey.  It is mild and cloudy here so the mountains are hidden for the moment, but we did have a good view of them flying in a couple of days ago.
This is a quiet interlude with a chance to rest and plan how to best use our 2.5 days in Paris.
Meanwhile we visit and catch up on life in the Hunziker household...and walk their dog. 

Today we have two important items on the calendar....visiting Tristans, the chocolate make several towns away and having filets de perche at the local restaurant.  Many who have travelled the world say that the filets de perche served there are the best in the world.

And we are hoping that the weather clears as promised, as we will journey into the mountains tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.

Then to Paris by train on Saturday.

We are hearing more and more news of the outside world, most of it not good.  We have been pleasantly isolated from much of that, but not for much longer.

More from Paris

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