Saturday, 12 September 2015

September 12 In Cahors.....without backpack

We arrived yesterday after 24 plus hours of travelvia 2 planes and 3 trains.  The major hitch being that my backpack did not come down the carousel in Paris.  So I am now the owner of a small daypack and several articlesof clothes which I actually really, but was not planning to carry. They include a 2 euro hat that says MDR which apparently means dying of laughter. I did not pick the one that said WTF which I think means somethingin English.  Icelandair promisesthat I will be reunited with my backpackon Monday evening.  Most of today was taken up by hiking to the camping store....not far by car, but on foot a different story.  We also spent  a pleasant half an hour chatting with the pilgrim greeter in the cathedral where we pickedup our pilgrim passports.
And we went back to our old hotel for coffee.  It is just as noisy as we remember, but it still has plenty of character.  This time we opted for quiet. Now it is off to wash clothes and have dinner.  I will definitely be attending mass tomorrow, then we will be off across the bridge.
The weather is pleasant and drizzly, but good for walking.
Apologies for the unresponsive spacebar on the computer

Bon Chemin   We will see what tomorrow brings!


  1. Zut, alors! Not a good start, Elizabeth. Do they have a pilgrim mass in Paris? Where? Wishing you and ReeCHAR un tres bon chemin. Warm wishes, Ann Kirkland

  2. Oh Mom! I'm sorry to hear about the pack!

  3. I read about someone who had to re-purchase everything, so I was paranoid and insisted on "carry-on only" for everything that I knew that I couldn't replace quickly.
