Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Day 11 - Villafranca

No dinner last night at the truck stop, but they did have great hot chocolate and we had a peaceful nightś sleep.  Breakfast was coffee at the bar with the truck drivers.  We started walking early to get a few kilometers in during the cooler temperatures.  And love the walking as day is breaking - the light is fantastic, and there are very few pilgrims on the road.
We passed through a succession of small villages, stopped for morning coffee in one of them, then walked on through rolling hills of farming country.  Much of the day was  spent near the busy N120, so it was fitting that we began the day with truckdrivers!  We are now in Villafranca and have decided to have our packs transported tomorrow as we are aiming to get to Burgos 36 km over some significant hills.  We are really looking forward to a day of rest in Burgos.
What we have enjoyed recently is that the initial torrent of walkers has spread out and we have plenty of solitude.  That having been said, it is really nice to reconnect from time to time with folks from earlier days.

Buen Camino!!

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