Saturday, 14 September 2013


Hola,  Greetings from Roncesvalles!!!  We made it, and after una cervesza  (sp?)  we are feeling very good.
We started at 7am, bought a baguette on the way out of St Jean, then started to climb.  After about one hour I thought I would throw up, but then things got easier.  But it was a VERY long day; we arrived in Roncesvalles at 4pm.  The weather was fog, sunlight all day and we shared the path with sheep and cows and watched the birds ? eagles, hawks or vultures drift on the air currents.  At our hotel in St Jean we met a lady from Nanaimo and we have already re-encountered her here in Roncesvalles.  We also shared part of our travels today with a couple and their daughter from Australia and an Irish couple.  It was a very upbeat day, and I think the fantastic weather had a lot to do with it. 
Of course you could argue that we are not "real pilgrims" because once again we are staying in a hotel. However I have to tell you that the bathtub in our room looks very good.  We will  eat the pilgrim´s dinner, and plan tomorrow´s walk.  Now, there are clothes to be washed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Congratulations. You did so well, doing it in one day, from 7 am to 4 pm - just a bit longer than your hikes in Toronto but much steeper!
    Keep up the great hiking.
