Thursday, 19 September 2013

Monjardin - Day Six, I think

A short day of walking and here we are in Monjardin, near the top of a mountain, in a Dutch-run alberge.
We have a bed and will be registered at 4 pm.  We are rejoined by our Irish friends with whom we crossed the Pyrenees, and Philip from California, with the blisters.  Our plan to stay in smaller villages seems to be working better for us.  Today it is a mix of sun and cloud, and lots of wind.  Good walking temperatures.
And lots of beautiful views.  I am in a small bar next to the alberge, uning one euro worth of public internet to stay connected with the world outside the Camino.
My wisdom for the day is to remember to look backwards - the views can be awesome and are not to be missed.
Tonight we will eat the pilgrim´s meal in our alberge and find out how many snorers there are in our room of six people.  Tomorrow we plan to walk around 30 km (mostly flatish), but the reward is that we will be staying in a hotel and so we do not have to worry about finding a bed elsewhere.  There are lots of people walking the Camino and we are told that last night here a number of folks slept outside the church, and it was really cold.  The worry about finding accommodation does detract from the spiritual comtemplation the one would hope to experience.  It is so windy that the tables, glasses and chairs outside just blew all over the square.
Adios for now

1 comment:

  1. So you are walking into Burgos! 30 km - hope it is going well. Enjoy the hotel - quite a change from the albergues. I think it is a good idea to avoid the end stages, especially for the Brierly book, and to stop just before you get to those stages - I am hoping to use that strategy myself next spring. You haven't mentioned the weather,except for the wind - hope it is just comfortable for you.
    I had my cataract surgery this morning, so I am now good to go on the hikes starting next Friday.
    Ultreia! Darlene
