Friday, 20 September 2013

Day Seven - Viana

Here we are in Viana, after walking 30 k sans packs.  We decided to treat ourselves to a hotel night, and the only hotel we could find with vacancies was here.  So, we had our bags transported and we walked. 
But it was still a long day.  Fantastic scenery in the morning with rolling hills, small villages and ancient fortified towns.  By late morning the wave of rapidly moving walkers passed us and we were walked most of the afternoon with nobody in sight, and that was a treat.  It was also nice to know that we had a place to sleep, so no need to rush.  Last night a dozen people were forced to sleep outside - no space in the albergues or anywhere else and they were too tired to go on.  It was very cold.  Our albergue was run by a Dutch reform church and the hospitaliers there were very kind and let these folks use the bathrooms and lent them sleeping bags and mats.
We are looking forward to a night with no snorers, but will be up early tomorrow as we have another long day, and will walk again without packs.  My back and Richard´s legs will appreciate it.  We walk through Logrono which is celebrating a wine festival.  We are in wine and olive country now.
Off to eat and I am starving!

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