Thursday, 26 September 2013

The Next 2 Days / Burgos and a day of rest

Yesterday we had our packs transported and began the day with a quick bite in our room and then off in the dark uphill.  Richard awoke with a very sore throat and cough, feeling awful, but wasdetermined to walk, even though it was a gruelling day.  We took it slowly.  After 12 km we were rewarded with coffee, one of the real high points of any day. On  through the woods and hills with the company of lots of birds and butterflies including some beautiful small blue ones.  And no pilgrims.  by mistake we took one of the alternate routes  / longer !/ .  By 330 we were on the ugly outkirts of Burgos, and made the decision because Richard was struggling and the traffic was horrendous, to take a taxi to our hotel.  We have stepped outside one pilgrim world and entered another....luxurious.....for a day.  A welcome break and Richard can sleep.
Today I shipped 3 kilos of excess stuff to Santiago.  We are very stripped down now in terms of what we will carry.  A weight off our shoulders.  Burgos is beautiful...fantastic!!!! Tour of the cathedral thei pm.  Adios for now...out of minutes on the computer.


  1. Hope Richard is feeling better - wise move to take a taxi. Enjoy the luxury, and keep posting. Lots of flatish days to come now.

  2. HI Richard and Elizabeth,

    Finally got to your blog, thanks to Darlene. I can picture the two of you in Burgos. If you have the energy after the Cathedral, you can climb up the hill that overlooks Burgos and enjoy the view. You can ship your stuff every day you know. You only have to carry it from Sarria, to get your Compostela (everything before is practice) but then without suffering can there be remissio pecatorum (remission of sins)?
    Did not get to Spain yet, long story short, doing some consulting work here. So can't welcome you to my hospitalero digs. Enjoy the meseta, have water with you, there are Roman villas along the way, well they need repair.
    What if you skip the bit about the sandwiches and coffee, then you have more room to write about other things.
