Friday, 26 September 2014

Friday September 26 Estaing

It is 5 oclock and we just arrived here.  This was supposed to be an easy day.....4 hours.  We left at 8 ????
Fortunately the tourist bureau is just across from where we are staying, and they have internet.
We spent quite a bit of time in Espalion, where it was market day.  In particular we were searching for alizou cheese, which we finally found.  Along the way it was a four church day, and one of them was particularly interesting with an upstairs chapel.  We had a long lunch break with wine, and that undoubtedly made the afternoon's climb feel more arduous.

Now it is off to wash, both us and clothes.  We have been walking for 9 days and it is seeming long.
Every day has been very different, with a huge variety of accommodations.  It really is a fantastic journey through France------but not easy.  I think many walkers take easier variants of the GR 65, and we are purists (so far).

Bon Chemin

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