Sunday, 28 September 2014

Sunday in Conques

We spent last night in the very small and quiet village of Espeyrac above a bar.  And I am now in the tourist office in the beautiful town of Conques.  Our walking days have been feet and socks are both feeling the strain, and I am hoping that Compeed will work its magic on the blister on the sole of my foot.  Taking no chances I am also lighting a number of candles. The Chemin du Puy is much more demanding physically than the Camino Frances.

We have just said farewell to three folks that we have crossed paths with over the post 10 days;  They return home to Paris tomorrow.  And yesterday we walked for quite a distance with a young women from Uppsala.

I wish that we had scheduled an extra day here in Conques.  There is so much to see, but also a lot of tourists.  We wll attend mass at 1700 hours then rest in our small room opposite the church.

Bon Chemin and off to Decazeville tomorrow.

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