Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Wednesday September 23 Lepadou Bas

We have had an interesting day, starting off in Nasbinals in the Aubrac.  We had a long day of walking to get there, 27 km with some hills, but mainly long.  And then our hotel was a further 400 meters out of town, which seemed like a cruel punishment.  It then turned out that all the hotels in the village were controlled centrally, so we had to return to town to eat dinner.  In the end it was an enjoyable experience, noisy, but we carried on a conversation with a local couple sitting next to us, with the topics centering on food and the weather.

This morning we awoke to the sound of rain.  So, we got suited up for bad weather.  We walked through pastureland up to 1300 meters.  And was it cold!! Misty......very mountainlike.  We stopped at a gite that was closed for the season, but at least it was shelter.  And then a miracle.  In Aubrac we found a fantastic restaurant that was warm and even had boot warmers!  After an omelette aux cepes, coffee and an enormous slice of tarte aux fruits rouges we were able to face the elements.  And we got a stamp in our passports that was an actual impression, not just ink.

And the rain let up as we made our descent towards St Chely.  We are staying at a small chambre d`hotes, only 4 rooms and we are the only guests tonight.  It is an old stone cowbarn restored and converted by the couple that operate the establishment.

We are encountering occasional walkers, but only some of them are following the same route as us.
But there is a group of three that we keep bumping into, and that is very comforting.  The walking is becoming routine, even on the more demanding days.  Still far more cows than people.

A delicious dinner is being prepared in the kitchen next to me, and I am starving.

Bon Chemin

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