Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Tuesday September 30 arrived in Figeac

Yesterday we left the beautiful city of Conques (without our breakfast croissants, which never arrived) and climbed and climbed and walked and walked until we arived in Decazeville, not a particularly attractive city with remnants of old open pit coalmines.

And today was very difficult - 29 km, with a fair amount of ascent and descent.  But worst of all was the rain, torrential at times.  There was one town only 4 mm from our starting point that had some services, but after that........rien.  Fortunately there was a shelter where we could get out of the rain and eat lunch of peanuts and cheese.  Finally we arrived in Figeac at 5:30 completely exhausted and with very sore feet.
However, after a warm shower and some food our spirits have revived.  The forecast is better for tomorrow, so we hope to explore Figeac before heading off to Rocamadour. Our hotel is by the river and the ducks have just quieted down.

Off to rearrange the laundry and other assorted damp things.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Mom! I just tried posting not sure if this is will be a duplicate.. anyways, this trip sounds very interesting and must be great exercise. Definitely would like to check France and go hiking. I appreciate the postcards and would like to eat some of the cheese right now and croissants that are being mentioned. Take care - Russ
