Saturday, 20 September 2014


Bon Matin!

We have just spent a quiet night in Saugues after our second day of walking.
I had such trouble with the computer in Le Puy that not much got posted there but our day was lovely with many of the local people in costume for the Fete du Roi des Oiseaux.  A festive atmosphere prevailed and this buoyed our spirits as we prepared to depart.
The first day we saw not a single pilgrim.......tres bizarre!  We did see many cows some sheep a couple of farm dogs, one very startled hare and an enormous hawk feasting on his dinner.  Halfway along we came across a gentleman, un ange gardien he called himself, who convinced us to take the old Camino route marked with real shells nailed to trees, which was shorter and more remote and passed no bistros.  It was beautiful and fortunately we had some nuts and chocolate to keep up our strength.  Our destination of Rougeac was off the beaten path as well, but we located it easily - a miracle.  I find the trail markings excellent.  I was quite tired ?jetlag.
The second day we walked to Saugues, a difficult stage with a steep long descent and a 3 km uphill.  Quite a few walkers, but a very pleasant atmosphere.  We hear mostly French being spoken and I am finding that I understand quite a bit.  The countryside is spectacular and the weather so far ideal for walking.  We are eating very well - many of the dishes are prepared from locally obtained ingredients- a delicious tarte de myrtilles/blueberries yesterday.  So all in all things are going well.  I even found my sunglasses which I was convinced had been lost in the Paris airport.

Today is a very short day only 10 km.  We will take it easy and have a long lunch.  Not difficult in France where food rules.

I am happy to be listening to only the sound of my footsteps, and the occasional church bell or cow chewing on grass.

Bon Chemin

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