Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Day 19 - Calzadilla de los Hermanillos

One day to catch up on.  Day 18 - Caldadilla de la Cueza - This was the day from hell.  We awoke to heavy rain and wind, so after breakfast we suited up for the conditions, and headed out.  It was not too bad for the first half hour or so, but then the wind picked up and the rain started coming sideways.  It was 17 km of unrelenting slog, with absolutely no shelter.  No point in stopping, because you just got colder.  So on it was. The Gardia Civil and an Ambulance appeared at one point, as someone had called 112.  We had planned on a short easy day, but instead had a short difficult day.  Arriving at the hostal we warmed up with coffee, wine and lunch and tried to dry out our gear, which was sopping.  Somehow the afternoon disappeared, and we enjoyed dinner with our Irish friends who are heading home tomorrow.  Then to bed to the sound of dripping water.

Day 19 . A long day, and fortuntely the rain was only intermittent and light.  The counryside was rather boring, with some stretches along beside the highway.  Then through Sahagun, where Richard and I became separated in the twisty streets, with yellow arrows pointing all directions.  We have been following a permanent pilgrim and his very cute dog, Amigo, and they again appeared and helped us magic.  Then on and on, approx. 37 k....but horrors, we took a wrong alternate route and would have had to walk another 15k to the casa rural where we had a reservation.  We were saved by a man in a bar who called a taxi for us, which we ended up sharing with 2 other ladies.  And here we are, very tired, but now clean, and with our clothes washed.  Another  30 k day tomorrow, but still flat terrain, then some easy days and a rest in Leon.  The Camino is now seeming very long............

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