Friday, 4 October 2013

Day 21 - Leon

Despite being told that the walk into Leon was horrible, we decided to go ahead and walk anyway.  Leaving Villarente around7:45 in the semi dark, we made our way westward, and actually found it a pleasant walk, past cows, chickens and crowing roosters.  The hum of the highway was there of course, but the way was well marked and safe. As it turns out there is a medieval street fair going on, so things should get pretty lively tonight.  We are resting our weary feet and looking forward to not having to pack up our belongings tomorrow morning.  Over dinner last night we were talking with the other pilgrims about how lucky we all were to still be walking and to be in good health.  Everyone had stories of people who have had to eliminate sections of the walk or abandon it for this year because of injury.  I guess all of our training is paying off.  We do know that there are big hills in our future - we can now see them in the distance, so we do have many more steps to take.  We saw our friend Amigo (the dog) again today as well as a number of human peregrinos from days past.  Just as we arrived at Santa Maria del Camino on the way into Leon the priest arrived and opened the church, so we went in and spent a few minutes contemplating the journey.
Now I must go and contemplate my dirty laundry.  No need to spend time thinking about what to wear for dinner----that would be the "outfit" that is not hanging up drying.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great rest - we missed you today - CBC filmed us, as there is new research about the benefits of walking - it reduces the incidence of breast cancer in post-menopausal women - Yeah! Walked to the island and back.
