Thursday, 3 October 2013

Day 20 Villarente just before Leon

We are in a very nice Albergue San Pelayo, and the sun is shining!!!  We had another long day along flat paths, part of which were the old Roman Road.  The  scenery may have been quite constant but the sky was constantly changing as was the weather, from cloudy to rainy to sunnny and back again.  And the wind (the resident siamese cat has just walked across the keyboard and done strange things to this post) Now   he is just staring at me....???not sure what that means in Cat.  Anyway, it was a long day and we are quite  tired, but the sun is shining and we have a short day tomorrow and then a day off in Leon.  And the atmosphere in the albergue is very relaxing, with a garden and a sitting room.  ´The cold and cough Richard has been fighting has abated as have the shin splints.  Think I will go and warm my weary bones in the sun.

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