Saturday, 12 October 2013

Day 29 - Villefranca de Bierzo

We are moving on.  Here is a summary of the past 3 days.
Day 27 - Acebo. We left Rabanal aftter enjoying evening vespers and dinner withe the British hospetelier at the albergue Gaulcelmo.  It is all a bit of a blur now, but we arrived at Acebo, another picture-perfect tiny village witha very Swiss feel.  We stayed at a casa rural called La Trucha - the trout.  It nwas home to a very nice man and his three dogs, many cats and one goat.  It also seemed to be home to an old frail genteman who used to be a shepherd.
Day 28 - Ponferrada with its Templar castle.  It was Friday night before the big holiday on the 12th, and race cars departed from the town square at 9pm, just as we were wanting to sleep, but then the party started, so it was not a great night for sleeping.
Day 29 - Villefranca.  A lovely town, with mountains in the very near distance.  We have been climbing the past couple of days, and face very big climbs in the next couple of days.  We have really struggled the past week, with our lingering gastrointentinal virus.  Somehow we are here.  Off to sleep now.  We are fine.....less than 200 k to go.


  1. Hi Mom - Sounds like you've had a string of bad luck, but hoping that is all BEHIND you now! Can't really imagine hiking that far with the bug that you had - that takes some persistence!!! We are fixing up the guest room and thinking about you both as we do it. We miss you! The kids are happy you're still "winning" the walking challenge. :) Talk soon! xoxo

  2. Hey Mom this is Russ. This is a cool blog. It sounds like you've seen a lot of interesting things. Good luck we are cheering you on!
