Sunday, 6 October 2013

Day 24 - Villar de Mazarife

Day 23 was spent in Leon, enjoying the glorious sun.  We wandered around the city, and toured the cathedral with its fantastic stained glass.  It was a wonderful day, and I was feeling very relaxed...until....I realized that my credit card and cash had be stolen, most likely in the medieval market! It was easy enough to cancel the card. The rest of the afternoon was spent at the police station filing a report.  I was impressed with how pleasant and helpful they were.  I thought I was being vigilent, but will obviously have to be more careful.  Not a good way to end the day.

Day 24 did not start any better.  I did not sleep well and woke up with a rather nast gastointestal bug. Of course, being stubborn, I decided to carry on with the plans for the day.  We walked 20k, or rather, I dragged myself 20k.  Fortunately the path was fairly level, but it was really a struggle, stopping every half hour or so.  We got to Mazarife, and were lucky to get a room with a bathroom above a bar.  I collapsed on the bed and slept the rest of the day.  Things did not improve overnight, but now it is morning and I feel much better.  We are going to take it slowly today and only go 15k. Oh yes, my new camera ceased functioning yesterday. 

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