Thursday, 17 October 2013

Day 34 - Beldorado, just past Sarria

We are in Beldorado a few kms past Sarria.  After a nice quiet day off in Samos, where we rested, toured the monastery, and attended vespers twice, getting the pilgrim´s blessing the second time, we departed this morning for Sarria and points west.  We did encounter quite a few pilgims in Sarria, but not as many as we had feared.  After the peace and quiet of Samos, even a small town such as Sarria was hard to take, for me.  But the walking was quite peaceful, mostly along lanes lined with trees. And, although we were all prepared for rain, we had a lovely day of mist, cloud and now sun.  We are spending the night in a small casa  off the main route.  It is in a restored 17 century farmhouse, and is part of a working farm.  Nice gardens and views of the countryside.  The farm has a small private chapel.  We will have an early night tonight as we have a long day tomorrow, and since Richard´s toe woes continue, we are taking it slowly.  I am having difficulty with this posting, and can only see the immediate line that I am typing....oh well. Adios for now

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